Finally. I get the chance to pull out all the stuff I have done instead of things that would get me a job over the past 10+ years. >:)
So, I made a song for this project (As in started it at 6PM the day it was assigned). I took the idea of secret messages from the last assignment and wrote a song around that, including reversed secret messages, a caesar cipher, and even stereo-panned (not sure what else to call it) morse code.
So, of course I had to pull out some vocal synthesizers for this project. For the choruses, I used Callie York DSv0 and a prototype Austin York DSv0, both of which are voicebanks that I voice provided for and built myself for the AI vocal synthesizer Diffsinger. Don't be confused. The AI part is only being used as a resampler, and it's only using the data I fed it. I still had to write the music myself, and DiffSinger just made them sing. Like Hatsune Miku, but with a bit more oomf.
Speaking of Hatsune Miku, she's here too. I used her V4 English voicebank for this. I hate using Vocaloid tbh I could go on forever about why they're losing the vocal synth war and have been for a long time.
Anyway, I chopped this sample up and then reversed it to use for certain parts. It's some people speaking Dutch over a radio about navigating a boat.
Here it is (I tried putting it in here directly with an audio player but Neocities won't let me unless I pay them money so I will not be doing that):